Visayas Feast Site Information 2024

The Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day 2024 for Visayas, Philippines will be held at the Visayas State University (VSU)—a premier educational institution located in Baybay City at the western side of the Leyte Island.

The campus covers over 1,000 hectares of fertile land flanked by a high mountain range which is dominated by Mount Pangasugan on its eastern side and the Camotes Sea on the west. The clear sea waters of VSU’s beach area is a protected marine sanctuary which provides home to a rich biodiversity of marine life. Coupled with its beautiful sunsets and fresh sea breeze, the beach-front truly exudes an ambience of peace and relaxation—a perfect atmosphere for beholding God's beautiful creation.

A large part of the university is nestled amid lush greenery and rolling hills. The cool shades of towering trees planted alongside every road provide good shade for morning walks and group strolls. Brethren can also tour around and visit some exhibits and museums that are available in different departments within the university’s upper campus.

The university has its own resort and room accommodations along with a spacious function hall that can accommodate 100-150 people which will be used for services and other activities. Other amenities include a swimming pool, mini zoo, wide playing areas and several sports facilities; With all these, VSU offers a serene place where brethren can gather in celebration of Jesus Christ’s coming millennial reign on earth.

Festival Meals

VSU has several food stations for brethren to choose from. Meals for breakfast and dinner at the VSU Cafeteria and other food stations at the VSU Market range from P50 to P100 per person. Lunch will be served at the VSU Convention Center at P250 per person in a controlled buffet setup.

Fruits, snack items and even fresh carabao milk are also available at the VSU Market. Brethren who wish to consume food in their room accommodations are advised to bring utensils. Eating food items is only allowed at the lounge area of both VSU Hostel and Apartelle.

Travel Directions

While we expect that most of the attendees would come from the Visayas, brethren from other areas of the Philippines and overseas are also welcome to join us in this beautiful site.

Visayas State University is accessible by air, sea,or land, depending on your location. Guests coming in from Bacolod City and Davao City may take a direct flight to Cebu City. Then from Cebu City, take a 5 to 6-hour ferry boat trip to Baybay City. From Baybay, a cab can take you to the venue. Most cab drivers know the place, which is just a 10 to 15- minute ride away. You may also take a 2.5 to 3-hour fast ferry boat trip from Cebu to Ormoc City, then from Ormoc, take a 45-minute to 1 hour travel via bus or van to VSU.

Mindanao guests can also take a daily inter-region bus trip to Ormoc City which will pass by VSU on its way to its terminal stop in Ormoc City. Another travel option is by taking a direct flight from Manila or Cebu City to Tacloban City. Then from Tacloban, take a 1.5 to 2-hour van trip to Baybay City.

First Day Service: Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Reservations: For reservations and more information, please contact the Visayas Festival coordinator, Jose T. Campos.


Quick Facts

Feast Site: Visayas, Philippines

Feast Site Venue: Visayas State University (VSU), Baybay City, Leyte

First Service: October 17, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

Feast Site Coordinator: Jose Campos
